He ministered to me at Sky Valley Bible Church in Monroe from 2001-2004.
Come to think of it, I must have been born for some of that 15th Ave Bible Church stuff because I know that loves to tell a story about me praying for snow at a time when snow was unlikely and getting it and then going four-wheeling in his orange pickup truck.
I have taken several of the sermons that he preached during his time at Sky Valley Bible Church from audio cassette tapes and placed them on the Sky Valley Bible Church web site because I find myself referring back to my recollections of his teachings over and over again. These include preaching on:
- eternal security
- the exclusive priesthood of Jesus
- the meaning of propitiation (1 John 4:10)
- the meaning of repentance (probably not what you think)
- the fact that Jesus lives in each of His children
- the need for believers to restrain themselves to keep themselves from pontificating and making people feel guilty over things that don't matter
- the need for believers to deal with bad behavior in the church
- the fact that Jesus is the King
- the need for believers to walk with Jesus all the way through the end of their lives