Monday, February 13, 2006


I have been reading a bunch of blogs recently, just today in fact. Because of this, I became influenced to have my own blog, so here it is. I began to wonder what I should type about in my first blog and I thought to myself, "I should type about influence and try to determine other ways that I have been influenced."

So here I go:

Parents: I have had the same two parents for my whole life. I lived with both of them in one house for 21 years. Both of them have always been quite opinionated and have never told me to go find my own version of truth. My parents homeschooled me all of the way through high school because they knew that kids found in run of the mill classrooms are fools and the Bible told them that "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."

Because of my mothers interpretation of verses like Philippians 4:8, I refuse to play video games that involve running around killing people or even robots. This means that my growing up video games included Packman, Stunt Island, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Sim City, Need for Speed and Capture the Flag, but did not include Doom, and the like. My parents also determined that I should not get used to putting the petal to the metal as soon as I hear sirens, so I have also avoided eluding police cars in video games as well as in real life (although I do get some satisfaction from driving through speed traps without having to reduce my speed).

The Bible (hopefully): I have read it twice and memorized more than most people. It includes instructions that I like (e.g. Proverbs 19:2 It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.) and instruction that I do not like (e.g. Proverbs 12:1 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.).

The Bible also contains instruction regarding the avoidence of Hell and the aquisition of eternal life. Romans 4 is the passage that helped me understand that if I couldn't believe God's promises regarding his gift of eternal life as a result of righteousness given to me as a result of my faith, I was calling Him a liar (calling God a liar is absurd). Oh, and while I am thinking about the Bible, let me reiterate a biblical theme: Jesus is the King.

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