Saturday, May 06, 2006

I graduated today

My little brother took this picture for me. It is an image of me as well as an image of an image of me.

I should also mention that I got a job in Poulsbo Washington which I accepted on Friday after visiting the company on Monday.

I had only applied for the job a week before Monday through a portable document file in an electronic message. I received a call before 8 am on the following day. I was asked some questions and all but offered the job. I received a written job offer on the following friday.

This is unusual because I seem to have spent about the first month of each of the last two summers trying to find a summer job. This time I was all but handed a job. I remember that last summer I noted that I had given God every opportunity to give me an engineering job, but he had not. There were a number of jobs that I should have had, but I just didn't get them. Jesus must have given me this job just so that I will know that He can give me whatever He wants to whenever He wants to do so. We should all take note that God can do whatever He wants to do because He is the King! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joshua! You cropped my picture! The original picture looks much better.

The pictures is not on my web page, but if someone would like to see it they me e-mail me at

Other wise, nice blog!

Someday you should post a blog talking more about your graduation.